I love Scrivener, and like you, use maybe 10% of the features. I mostly use it so I can see the whole paper/project in one place and especially be able to see more of it on one page. Word documents only use one third of the page and you need to scroll down which drives me nuts. Scriverner is also good for word search as it shows all the words you searched for highlighted and not in a sequential order.
Now I want a little whiteboard. Seems safer than noting random thoughts on post-it notes (which I still adore, but the risk of losing one has paralyzed me on more than one occasion).
I’ve thought about purchasing it years ago, but never did. And I kind of wish I had since I still have nothing produced but scraps of ideas in my 20k Notes. I’m overwhelmed by it.
Can you tell me why it’s a disdainful, or literarily uncool, product for writers? In your view, is it the product that’s bad, or just the people that use it? Have you used scrivener?
I love Scrivener, and like you, use maybe 10% of the features. I mostly use it so I can see the whole paper/project in one place and especially be able to see more of it on one page. Word documents only use one third of the page and you need to scroll down which drives me nuts. Scriverner is also good for word search as it shows all the words you searched for highlighted and not in a sequential order.
Do you find Claude talking differently today? Instead of being helpful and supportive, it was just critical (and unfairly so!).
Now I want a little whiteboard. Seems safer than noting random thoughts on post-it notes (which I still adore, but the risk of losing one has paralyzed me on more than one occasion).
What is that behind the whiteboard? A clock?
Good to see Substack is worthy!
So sad to see that the cult of Scrivener has claimed another of our best minds.
What is the cult of Scrivener?
I’ve thought about purchasing it years ago, but never did. And I kind of wish I had since I still have nothing produced but scraps of ideas in my 20k Notes. I’m overwhelmed by it.
Can you tell me why it’s a disdainful, or literarily uncool, product for writers? In your view, is it the product that’s bad, or just the people that use it? Have you used scrivener?
I just started using Grammarly last week and agree with you that it’s a game changer.