Thanks for the love, Paul!

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I'm generally opposed to the über-woke initiatives. But, like you, I've changed my mind about trigger warnings. A specific incident caused me to reverse my opinion.

I was reading a non-fiction book where unexpectedly, the author wrote a couple of paragraphs that described (in graphic detail) a few incidents of animal abuse. I found his description to be quite horrifying and couldn't stop thinking about it for some time. Even now, it's upsetting for me to recall the incident, though it happened a couple of years ago. I now wish that the author had written something like, "If animal abuse upsets you, then you might want to skip to the start of the next chapter".

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re Fred and Ginger - don't forget the sound man. Movie was recorded first and sound dubbed afterwards. The sound man had to do it all with two half-coconuts - if you listen carefully he gives up before the end and they walk out in slience.

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Lord Bubuza is far from original. Many years ago in the UK we had a guy called Horace Batchelor who advertised a lot on commercial radio stations (which in those days meant just Radio Luxumberg). You sent him money and he placed your bets on the football pools. He took commission if you won. He called it the "Infra Draw method".

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A lot of Newt’s comments have to do with the shadow Government! I think open minded people will find it very interesting as the American people have spoken loud and clear that they don’t want to be told what to do and how to think by government intelligentsia.

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I used to think Newt Gingrich was a quack, but I have a lot of respect for him after listening to his comments about what to do about the DOJ. Suggest listening to the link……https://youtu.be/T4X4mE9Ta9k?si=FIGrrAas44WKuE8w

New thought it would take about 12 years to clean house in the government! His comments are really hitting home with me. Trump has a huge task ahead of him with the government career people pretty well 100% against him. Love to hear your comments.

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