There’s something about the campus novel that appeals to me too.

My all-time favourite is the Secret History by Donna Tartt, and a more recent addition is the Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach.

Two very different books which each capture a side to college life.

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Jun 24Liked by Paul Bloom

Surprised not to see “The History Man” by Malcolm Bradbury (but I skimmed your criteria).

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Jun 24Liked by Paul Bloom

Excellent novel. Scathing, really.

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Jun 24Liked by Paul Bloom

"This would never happen at Harvard or anywhere else."

Unfortunately, I'm aware of this happening more than once at the college where I work.

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Really? I'm honestly shocked. It's such a violation of any sensible standard of fair grading.

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Jun 24Liked by Paul Bloom

It's envy all the way down!

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"Straight Man" is such an amazing novel! I've read it three times.

(I was in grad school for many years, and my partner was a professor at Carnegie Mellon, so we have first-hand experience.)

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Thanks! I see other readers are adding their favorite campus novels; I'd add to the list Pale Fire, by Nabokov.

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I was going to add Pale Fire to the list. Glad to see someone else was "on the same page."

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Pale FIre just popped up on a Blade Runner 2049 film analysis. OK, here I go...

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I loved "The Mind Body Problem", by Rebecca Goldstein.

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The Art of Fielding and The Secret History would both be on my list.

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Thank you - I've just read Stoner on your recommendation here, and it moved me much more than I expected. A great book, and unlike anything I've ever read before.

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I mistakenly ordered another “The Campus Trilogy”:


A good read about greed, envy, at a fictitious English university.

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Oh, and a university administrator named Sloth.

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… greed and envy at a …

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Another good one is End Zone, by Don Delillo, which I'd argue counts as a campus novel.

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That's the list I needed and never knew I did. Surprised not to see Delillo's White Noise!

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I've only read The Human Stain from that list. I sure do like a well chosen list of non-new-releases though...*Blows dust off library card...*

I feel like the tennis academy in Infinite Jest is meant to be an academic institution (but you may not be a fan...)

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I highly recommend The Hungry Ghosts, not a novel but a book of linked short stories by Joyce Carol Oates. I think it's brillaint but I am prejudiced because it was written (mostly) about the Englsh department at the University of Windsor, my alma mater

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This is a good reminder for me to finally read Straight Man. I've read so many of his books and this one is my husband's favorite!

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I'd add Robertson Davies' The Rebel Angels, part of a trilogy.

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